Meet the Brick Insurance Team

Kearny Hambrick

Kearny Hambrick


After 20 years on the corporate side of Nationwide, Kearny is delighted to be back to doing what she’s truly passionate about…helping people protect the things they value most. She attended Ohio University and is a graduate of the University of Missouri-St Louis. Kearny holds licenses in property & casualty and life & health.

Jack Hambrick

Jack Hambrick

Michelle Wayne

Michelle Wayne

Licensed Agent

Michelle is a licensed agent in Ohio and West Virginia and is also a Notary. She has been with the agency since 2018 when she entered the industry. She is a graduate of Williamstown High School. Michelle enjoys spending time with her son as well as helping her personal and business insurance clients solve their problems. 

Debbie White

Debbie White


Debbie works out of our Parkersburg office. She has over 20 years of experience in the insurance industry and first started with the agency in 2000. She is licensed for property and casualty insurance and is a graduate of Parkersburg South. She is an active member of the Big Tygart United Methodist Church in Mineral Springs. Debbie has 3 girls and two boys and 14 grandchildren, all of which are the light of her life. 

Jessica Zimmer

Jessica Zimmer

Kathy Bellinger

Kathy Bellinger